Yellow Moon Mouse Children's Campaign
A Blake and Logan Story Adventures Series
In Support of Sick Children Fighting Childhood Cancer
About Us

- Photo Captured By: Ron Heipel -
- Dennis Scherer, Author -
Dennis Scherer may have plied his trade of plumbing well, but in his "real life" his professional musicianship and song writing has represented a creative non-stop mind of inventiveness that few would easily match. Out of a deep love for his grandsons he has launched his fund raising career for childhood cancer in the Yellow Moon Mouse Children's Campaign. His stories guarantee delightful adventures that share an oral heritage which has enriched our culture for centuries. He encourages all readers to curl up and enjoy the ride.
- Photo Captured By: Lindsay Scherer -

- Blake Scherer, Author -
Blake Scherer is a smart, inquisitive, creative and kind young man. He graduated from Grade 6 the spring of 2023 with honours! After many weeks of standing in what always seemed to be the worst weather, Blake earned the Outstanding Patroller Award. He was also recognized with the Annika Khindria Memorial Citizenship Award at his school. Blake enjoys many activities like swimming, fishing, camping, gaming, bike riding, and drawing, along with writing. He loves to play with his brother Logan, and, of course Midge, the star of the show!

- Robin Baird Lewis © -
- Logan Scherer, Author -
Logan Scherer is a student who has been recognized as an outstanding leader in the school community. He is always looking out for his classmates and friends. Following in his family's tradition, he has really shown his creativity and imagination with his story and are so proud of what he has accomplished. Logan likes to fish, ride his bike, play basketball and baseball. He also likes to play Virtual Reality, among other activities. Logan is always on the go doing something exciting.

- Photo Captured By: Annie Ramirez -
- Robin Baird Lewis, Illustrator -
Robin Baird Lewis of robinbairdlewis.com is a veteran illustrator of over 25 children's books, in a career which launched the Canadian Classic Red is Best for Annick Press and has lately specialised in teaming with novice writers to attain their goal of publication with considerable success. As a former teacher and long-time literacy advocate, she also knew The Blake and Logan Series was the ideal vehicle to entice even the most reluctant young reader to enjoy the thrilling and imaginative world of books.